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Joe Ingles fed Gobert for a pair of dunks and drained a pair of three-pointers to fuel a 15-2 run that put the Jazz up 98-80 early in the fourth quarter. It opened the door for Utah to rebuild a double-digit lead. Toronto made only three baskets over the final nine minutes of the quarter.

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The Jazz tightened up on defence in the third quarter, allowing them to create some separation. VanVleet made three-pointers on three straight possessions to erase Utah’s lead and put the Raptors ahead 53-51 shortly before halftime. He made three three-pointers and assisted another basket to help the Jazz rally and take a 42-31 lead early in the second quarter. Gay gave Utah an immediate lift even while playing on a minutes restriction. He made back-to-back baskets to kick-start a 9-2 run that gave the Raptors a 23-17 lead in the first quarter. Toronto lost for the sixth time in seven games despite scoring 33 points off 21 Jazz turnovers.īirch gave Toronto an early spark, scoring all 14 of his points before halftime. scored a season-high 31 points for Toronto, and Fred VanVleet added 24.

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